How do you plan for 2021? That question has been asked over and over again by schools and businesses. We certainly know that the church is asking that question as well. For Kids Ministry, we have made the decision to cancel summer camp this year. We have a much younger group of kids currently attending who are not yet old enough to go to camp.

Last year, it was absolutely heartbreaking to have to cancel VBS. Honestly, we were still trying to figure out how we could regather safely for worship, much less for kids ministry activities. We expect this summer will look dramatically different; however we still want to exercise caution as we plan. We want to keep our volunteers and kids safe. However, we do believe we can safely manage a VBS while ensuring that every boy and girl who attends hears the Good News about Jesus.

VBS is scheduled for June 6-11. We will be utilizing our large rooms and outdoor spaces (weather permitting). We will be using the curriculum we purchased for last year's VBS. The good thing about this is that very few churches held VBS last year, so this curriculum will be fresh and exciting for our kiddos.

The only thing missing for a great week is YOU. We can't do VBS without a great team of volunteers. I will be sending out a survey in the next few days to determine the interest level. Please be sure to fill out the survey so we can start planning!