Getting the Church Back on Track After a Year of Pandemic

This edition of The Valley Chatt is going to look necessarily different than other issues. This month, our newsletter is not just an avenue for our staff to connect with our Body, but we will also be sharing important information with the Body after this very challenging year. Please take some time to check out the information contained in these pages from our staff and our leadership committees.

The Great Reset

KidsMin Reboot

Mrs. Heather Carroll

A Little Perspective

Pastor Spencer Kinkade

The Song of Pandemic

Pastor Foster Payne

Consistent Caring

Mrs. Megan O'Mary

Membership Meeting Agenda

Below is the anticipated agenda for our meeting on March 7 @ 5:30 PM. We have provided links where available to take you to appropriate documents. This agenda is not finalized until the start of the meeting on Sunday afternoon, but the documents that are linked are finalized and ready for review.

Call to Order

Approval of Order of Business


Pastor Brian Carroll

Mrs. Stacey Gee

Mr. Terry Massey

Mr. Mike Carruth

Mrs. Megan O'Mary

Rev. Spencer Kinkade

Rev. Foster Payne

Mrs. Julie Shaw

Personnel Committee Report

Mr. Larry Kisor

Mr. Mike Carruth
