Lay Chaplain Training

Friday, May 18 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm: Deepening, Maturing & Growing for Experienced Lay Chaplains | Cost: $65 (includes lunch)

Facilitated by Rev. Nicoline Guerrier

A minimum of 10 registered participants by April 7th is needed for this Lay Chaplain training to go ahead, so please register early here.

Cost: $65, includes Friday lunch. Accommodation and other meals not included.

Deepening, Maturing, Growing: This one-day retreat is designed to assist our lay chaplains, to deepen your self-awareness, mature in the role, and identity and to grow spiritually on the job. Of particular interest to Lay Chaplains nearing the end of their term; also for Lay Chaplains who want to deepen their experience, acknowledging the temporary nature of the position.

The Lay Chaplain accompanies people at times of life transition, celebration, and loss. As a Lay Chaplain some time into your term, how has this privilege transformed you? What spiritual practices deepen your ability to honour those you serve, on behalf of your congregation? And finally, with what spirit will you prepare for your own life transition, once the end of your term approaches and you prepare to pass along the mantle - and your learnings - to someone else?

Rev. Nicoline Guerrier, facilitator, served the Unitarian Church of Montreal as Lay Chaplain prior to her ordination in 2015. She has a long history of workshop design and facilitation for the Canadian Unitarian Council. Most recently, she served the First UU Church of Winnipeg as Interim Minister.