Student mobility

Project: 2022-1-HU01-KA121-SCH-000058122 

The aims of the student mobilities

Exchange programs cultural exchange, internationalization of the school, European and world citizenship in Cserepkasuli

A criterion for success is if cultural exchange continues in virtual form as a result of mobilities. We define it as a success if the school participates in at least three eTwinning programs per year, and if we obtain the title of eTwinning school, as well as if the international classroom is realized, which is decorated with photos, project work, and the realities brought about mobility. We share the e-portfolios of students and groups participating in mobility on the school's website. A criterion for success is if  the "Europe Week" becomes part of the school's traditions, in which the students and teachers who participated in the mobility are given a key role by being connected to the mobility locations. We measure our students' knowledge, abilities and attitudes with self-assessment. We record the data with a video diary and an interview. At the "Europe Week" dissemination programs, we measure the acquired knowledge of our students with online exit cards.

Developing "Cserepkasuli" digital citizenship, digital literacy, safe internet use, conscious and ethical use of ICT tools, which is at the service of learning.

The areas to be improved by the self-reflection of the participating students are measured with a questionnaire in the preparatory and dissemination stages. An indicator of success is if the students participating in the mobility become aware of the safe and ethical use of the Internet and share it with other students. We assess the students' knowledge in advance, and after sharing the students' knowledge, we also examine the progress through questionnaires, likert scale and text questions. The student government compiles a "digital citizen code of ethics", in the creation of which the high school and high school students also participate. We consider it a success if every colleague learns five ICT methods and incorporates them adequately and purposefully into his daily teaching practice. Every student learns and applies at least three applications that develop learning strategies (Mindmap, etc.) and learns and adequately uses common online learning interfaces linoit, padlet, mentimeter, etc.

Conscious environmental pedagogy in the service of sustainability

We measure the knowledge and attitudes of the participating students, as well as their sustainability-related competencies, with an input and output questionnaire. The participating students are interviewed by their younger peers based on open-ended questions compiled in advance. A success criterion is if, after the dissemination phase of the given year, the students, with the help of the participating students, put together their own "greening plan" every year, their commitment, for which the given class assumes responsibility. A nature conservation green corner of the students' own work will be completed in the lower corridor of the school. We define it as a success criterion if, by the end of the project, the institution's "Sustainability Strategy" created by the students is completed, in which the students assume responsibility, control, and formulate independent proposals, i.e. exercise autonomy and responsibility.