Gifted Testing & Acceleration Information

General Gifted Testing Information

For Academic Areas, Cognitive Abilities, and Creative Thinking

An Overview Of The Gifted Assessment Process

Gifted assessment is used to screen students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creativity, and visual and/or performing arts.

Children may be referred for gifted assessment based on the following:

 Based on the referrals, students are screened using:

Parents must be notified within 30 school days of receiving the screening results. Based upon these results, the next step in the process is one of the following:

Gifted and Exceptional Programs

at Cheviot School and Spencer Center 

Entrance criteria for the gifted programs at Cheviot and Spencer:

Entrance criteria for the exceptional programs at Cheviot and Spencer:

Only students that have applied through the CPS Open Enrollment Lottery will be considered for enrollment at Cheviot or Spencer.  Families can and should complete the application for Cheviot or Spencer if interested in these programs and are still awaiting the results of Fall gifted testing.   If selected in the lottery for Cheviot or Spencer, enrollment would depend on proof of gifted or exceptional test scores. 

For additional information, please contact Cheviot or Spencer directly.

Walnut Hills High School Entrance Exam (WHEE)

(6th Grade Iowa Reading & Math Tests) 

Sixth grade students taking the Iowa Reading and Mathematics tests can also use their scores to determine eligibility for entrance into Walnut Hills High School as 7th graders in the following school year.   Students must score at the 65th national percentile rank for both the Reading Total and Math Total AND the combined percentile ranks across both tests must be 140 or higher.  

The Walnut Hills High School Entrance Exam (WHEE) was also referred to as the Special College Preparatory Program (SCPP) Exam.

More information about the Walnut Hills Entrance Exam can be found here.

Gifted Testing Information For Visual & Performing Arts

To be identified as gifted in an area of the visual and performing arts (Dance, Drama/Theater, Music, Visual Arts), a student is assessed using one or more of the following:

Typically the assessment process for the visual and performing arts takes place during the second semester of the school year.

For additional information on gifted assessment in the arts, please contact Dr. Isidore Rudnick at

Whole Grade and Subject Acceleration

Academic acceleration is when a school or district places a student in a higher grade level than is typical given the student's age for the purpose of providing the student access to appropriately challenging learning opportunities.  Two types of acceleration are

Direct all questions and requests regarding acceleration to Jessica Boswell: