Early Learning Assessment

The Early Learning Assessment is a part of Ohio's Ready for Kindergarten Assessment System, a joint project of Ohio's Department of Education and Department of Job and Family Services. 

The assessment is designed to aid teachers in determining where children are in their readiness for kindergarten. The Early Learning Assessment will provide information for teachers about children from early preschool to kindergarten.

All programs who serve preschool-age children will have the opportunity to use the Early Learning Assessment to improve and support the growth and development of children.

Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards (birth to kindergarten entry) are the basis for the Early Learning Assessment.  The assessment focuses on seven areas of a child’s growth and development:

Ohio’s Early Learning Assessment (ELA) is directly aligned to Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) and is required to be used for assessment and progress-monitoring twice annually for Preschool Special Education (PSE) and Early Childhood Education (ECE) grant funded children. The Ohio ELA is a comprehensive assessment and may be used in its entirety in any preschool program to meet the Step-up-to-Quality (SUTQ) assessment requirements.  


There are four assessment windows for each school year: 

Fall: Aug 15 - Nov 14 Required for reporting

Winter: Nov 15 - Feb 14 Ongoing for best practice

Spring: Feb 15 - May 14 Required for reporting

Summer: May 15 - Aug 14 Ongoing for best practice

Each school year, programs that receive ECE or PSE funding must report the Ten Required Learning Progressions during the fall and spring windows. Programs are encouraged to use the assessment during the winter and summer windows.

Additional Resources:

Administrator Resources

Teacher Resources

Family Resources