Ohio State High School End-of-Course Exams
Purpose of Assessment
The Ohio State End-of-Course Exams (EOC) are Ohio's State achievement tests for selected high school courses and are connected to Ohio's graduation requirement pathways.
For classes of 2023 and beyond: Students in these graduation cohorts take six Ohio State End-of-Course Exams (EOC) (Algebra I, Geometry, English Language Arts II, American History, American Government, and Biology). Students must demonstrate competency in Math and English by earning a score of 684 on both the Algebra I and English II exams, and students must complete two diploma seals. Students may also earn diploma seals based on their performance on the Science and Social Studies EOC exams. For the Citizenship Seal, students must earn a proficient score (score of 700 or higher) on both the American History EOC and the American Government EOC. For the Science Seal, students must earn a proficient score (score of 700 or higher) on the Biology EOC.
Note: All students must take the Geometry EOC in order to satisfy a testing requirement of the U.S. Department of Education.
High School Courses & Exams
Students take the Ohio State End-of-Course Exams based on the high school courses they are enrolled in each school year. The Ohio State End-of-Course Exams are: Algebra I, Geometry, English I (classes 2018-2022 only), English II, Biology, American History, and American Government. All students enrolled in courses associated with these End-of-Course exams are expected to take the EOC unless they have previously taken the exam and earned a proficient or higher score for that EOC. Students have opportunities to retake EOCs each school year during the State's Fall, Spring, and Summer testing windows.
The State of Ohio offers three testing windows (Fall, Spring, Summer) each school year. Students taking an EOC for the first time, typically take these EOCs during the Spring window. In some rare occasions, when the course is only offered during the first semester, students would take the EOC in December during the Fall window. Students have opportunities to retake EOCs each school year during the State's Fall, Spring, and Summer testing windows.
Data Received From Assessment
Schools, educators, and families receive scale score ranges, performance levels, strand level data, and strand point data from these assessments. Students earn a performance level of Limited, Basic, Proficient, Accelerated, or Advanced. Students who earn a scale score of 700-724 are considered proficient. Students scoring at an accelerated or advanced level are considered by ODE as "on track for college and career readiness."
Additionally, data is available from these assessments broken into subject subscores that help provide more detailed data on student performance in relation to Ohio's Learning Standards. For examples, students taking English Language Arts tests receive subscore data in the areas of "Reading-Informational Text", "Reading- Literary Text", and "Writing".