Cincinnati Public Schools 

Testing & Assessment Department 


Welcome to the Cincinnati Public Schools' Testing & Assessment Department Website! 

Our department supports testing & assessment in grades Pre-K through grade 12 across CPS' over 60 schools.   

The mission of the Cincinnati Public Schools Testing & Assessment Department is to support CPS educators in making tests and assessments powerful tools in informing instructional decisions that lead to greater student achievement.  Our shared goal is the positive administration of all tests and assessments and the ethical use of evidence from these measures to develop student talent and ability. We embrace assessment as an opportunity to learn more about the students we interact with everyday and develop a fuller and more holistic picture of their strengths and opportunities for growth.

"For all students to excel, teachers must learn about them and connect with each child.  This is not just about finding out how they learn, but it is finding out who they are." - George Couros 

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