Grace Parises


Throughout my quilt square I have little deposits of coal around the landscape of yellow fabric. Coal is one of the three fossil fuels and is mostly widely used to generate electricity by burning it. It is made up of natural carbon-based material, but produces lots of byproducts when burnt that are harmful to the environment, and is non-renewable. Non-renewable resources will eventually run out in our enviorment, as we are using them faster then they are created.

Natural Gas Plume

Natural gas is another fossil fuel that is used to generate electricity and heating. It can be found in stoves, fireplaces, and helps to power lots of  different electrical appliances. Natural gas is another example of a non-renewable resource, as well. Eventually our deposits of natural gas will run out and we will need to find a new way to power all the things we use to use natural gas for. 

Petroleum River

Petroleum is the third and final example of a fossil fuel. It is used to power vehicles, heat buildings, and also produces electricity. Petroleum is also non-renewable, so the supply that we have is the supply that we have. It also is unclean to burn and creates enviormental hazards due to its byproducts. 
