Audrey Oxford

Stitched Leaves

The threat of deforestation is indicated by the leafy border. Each handpicked leaf represents four actual leaves nearing extinction because of human activity - Dipterocarps, Agarwood, African Cherry, and Mahogany. The leaves are cut in roughly the same size and color of their counterparts in order for the identification of these trees to be easier. The trees that I choose to display are mostly threatened by logging - viewers might recognize Mahogany as a material used for high quality furniture and flooring. 

Desert, Tan Fabric

The deserted, tan fabric of the background induces an empty feeling of loss. It references the loss of forestland in order to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain materials for fuel, manufacturing, and construction. And it describes the environmental degradation the world faces as a whole because of deforestation. 

Crimpson Letters

The red thread indicating all these benefits centers the textile piece, drawing the viewer's eyes as they read downward, watching the thread slowly disappear just like the benefits are disappearing in reality. The benefits include medicinal properties, the purification of water and air, biodiversity, and the ability trees have to work as a carbon sink. The continued loss of each benefit has devastating effects on the environment.

091423 Audrey ART 200 New.mp3