Bayley Hancox

Suicide Awareness Ribbon 

The dominant colors for suicide prevention is yellow and orange, so I sewed a yellow ribbon I had from high school to represent the need for suicide prevention to be taken more seriously.

"Help" Thought Bubble 

I put multiple thought bubbles leading up to one big thought bubble with the words “help” inside. I did this to represent the need of wanting help but being too scared to actually say it out loud. I made the thought bubbles black to represent the seriousness of having these dark thoughts in your head. I embroidered the words ‘help’ in red string because I wanted to bring a lot of attention to those words.The color red draws attention to itself.

Green Bandana 

The final part of the quilt that I wanted to bring attention to was the green bandana I sewed on the panel. The green bandana represents a club I was in during high school called ‘The Green Bandana Project’. Many schools have this club, it is a mental health and suicide prevention program. If you’re a part of this club, you are trained to talk to kids who need help, and given the proper resources to give them to get the help they need. Students are able to tell which people they can talk to because they will have a green bandana tied on their backpacks.

SYS Speaking Quilt Narrative .mp3