Luis López

Diagonal Glacier

The diagonal line running across the glacier is supposed to represent the glacier melting off and about to collapse into the contributing rising sea levels. This is also supposed to represent the decline in our contribution to combating this issue. I made this stand out with the different types of fabric to make it stand out. I even added cotton balls falling off to the side to show chunks of the glacier already contributing to this issue.

Warm Sky

The warm sky is made up of different warm colors that contrast the rest of the work below it. This was intentional and it was to show our world heating up in the background and the cause of rising sea levels. It shifts from a yellow to a shiny orange and finally to a red. I also wanted to show the tone of an apocalypse and something that gets your attention and sets the tone as offputting.

Darker Shade of Blues

The theme of a gradual shift into deeper colors is supposed to represent the stages at which global warming is going to become gradually more irreversible. This is shown through the sky, the background water, and the glacier itself. The background with the colors shows that shift starting from the horizon with a gray shade and moving on to a darker blue and finally stop at an even darker blue.
