Emmy Hockemeier


The quote, "God's Children are not for sale," is from the movie Sound of Freedom and was extremely meaningful to me. I appreciate the way it is inclusive of all that are trafficked, as it does not solely affect a singular group of people. I also think this quote is impactful because it expresses the innocence of those trafficked, referring to them as children and further demonstrating how heinous the concept of selling other human beings is.

Tied Hands

The hands tied in rope are both symbolic and literal. Victims of trafficking can be physically restrained, beaten, raped, and murdered. While some cases of trafficking may not appear quite as violent, it is still the breach of a human being's freedom. I chose rope to tie the hands in in order to illustrate the harsh reality that is human trafficking.

Blue Background

The background of the quilt is a blue fabric that I chose to represent the Blue Campaign which is working to save victims of trafficking as well as bring awareness to the fact that there is more work to be done. Human trafficking is not an easy crime to stop but it is imperative that it ends. Human beings are not for sale and the freedom of a person should not be stolen for the momentary profit of another.
