Elin Kairies


In the design of my quilt I bolded out in black fabric and pink stitching the words “I DON'T FEEL SAFE” surrounded by things that speak to me about rape culture. Images from pepper spray, to a street lamp, to me and my friend in outfits that are seen as provocative or in some way “asking for it”. From shorts that are “too” short, to a shirt with a low V neck, and too red lipstick. 

Always Watching

The fabric that all of the images are on looked like eyes to me, representing the feeling of always being looked at and watched by society and how the female body has been seen as just something to look at. 

Be Aware

The embroidered images are things I grew up being either cautious of or have seen. I was told to be careful walking alone at night. Street lamps may light the way but they are dark enough that someone may come up on me. My dad gave me pepper spray when I was a freshman in high school. A girl may be strong or have good self-defense techniques but a 200-pound man is still a 200-pound man that could take me. I was told to always cover my drink. Someone could easily slip a date-rape drug into it if it doesn’t have a lid or even if I set it down for one second. The trauma that builds from this can be seen in so many women’s eyes. You can see their tears and their fear from living in American society today. 
