Ashley Langfeldt

Top of Flag

The first image on the left is an American Flag with show the wrongful murders of African-American by the police. The fist says power to the people. This is a cultural expression and political slogan. People began speaking and writing this phrase as a form of rebellion against what they perceived as the oppression by the older generation, especially The Establishment. The last picture is me and I am try to represent the fear I have.

Middle Of Flag

The clenched fist has been closely tied to social tumult throughout history, yet the gesture's representation of strength and hope endures. Its message? We shall overcome. I put the heart in the center to how that we are humans and we deserve respect, equality and love. this the caution tape I got it from the police station. 

Bottom Of Flag

These images are to represent police brutality and the fear that goes along with it. The first image its kind of showing that people know someone will be next but will it be a person we care about. The last image is talking about how we want to live and we want a future.
