Math in Soccer

Believe it or not soccer takes the crown as the most played and watched sport across the globe. But is soccer just a sport of kicking and running? No, soccer requires knowledge, skill, and athleticism as do all the sports, but as a spectator or even a player we don't usually think about the math and knowledge that takes place as we are watching or playing.


Angles play such a big role in soccer. I want to say the majority of soccer is all angles which is consistent geometry taking place in the game of soccer. While running on the field, the players must calculate what is the best angle to their man and the ball is. Once they get that right angle they want they execute it with their athletic skills. Every shot taken has math to it. The play taking the shot will adjust their foot and leg to kick the ball at a certain angle so the goal keeper can't block; at the same time the goal keeper will make an instant move to try and prevent the ball from going which he has to do by taking the proper angle with his body.

Soccer Field

The field itself has math to it. Each line that is marked is a representation of a certain distance, measurement, or shape. A soccer field has all sorts of shape which is all geometry. Each shape is strategically placed to accommodate the players and the match. Each measurement and shape are required to be accurate for a soccer match to be played.

This page created by Steve R.