Using resources - PowerPoints


Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and computer allowing you to prepare presentations beforehand and show them in class - usually using Microsoft PowerPoint. In an online class, you can show PowerPoints using the 'share screen' function on Zoom.

PowerPoint presentations are very useful as they are simple to prepare, can include images, weblinks and videos, and can help frame your lesson. However be very wary of ‘death by PowerPoint’.


  • Use 18pt font or higher in Arial

  • Use only a few lines of text per slide: these should be key points, not long explanations

  • Use pictures wherever possible. Often a picture or a good quote can summarise a concept or idea better than text

  • Don’t read out the slide – talk to the slides with the key points as a reminder. (The exception to this is in language teaching, or where you think some students may have difficulties in reading)

  • Print out the slides or put them on Google Classroom for the students to download after class.

  • If you have dyslexic learners, or learners with other disabilities/learning differences, in your class, they may value receiving powerpoints beforehand.

Example Slides: Ronald Reagan: The Happy Warrior

In the slides below, Mark Malcomson, the Principal of City Lit, has used one powerful image and a quotation/short amount of text to make points in his courses on US Presidents

Marks slide selection 2.pptx

In the first slide, Mark shows how Reagan cleverly turns the tables in an election debate - his opponent has been suggesting Reagan is too old for the presidency.

The second slide vividly illustrates the size of Reagan's Republican win in the US election of 1984.