Project Summary

This consortium project composed by CFAE CENFORES and 7 associated AE / ENA, located in the municipalities of Loures and Odivelas, intends to answer the main problems identified within the consortium which are related to inclusion and educational success. Inclusive education and educational success are two public policy priorities enshrined in Decree-Law No. 54/2018 and 55/2018. However, despite the work which has been developed and the recent seen in recent times, there is still a long way to go before we can talk about an all-inclusive school and full educational success. Regarding inclusion, there are some focuses of exclusion or partial inclusion, namely regarding foreign students, Roma students and students with selective and additional measures.

Through mobility and internal dissemination actions we have strived to incorporate new knowledge and develop skills in teachers and other staff members of organizations in order to create more inclusive schools where all students learn more and better.

In addition to the professional development of teachers and other professionals who deal directly with the specific situations that most concern us, we based our consolidation strategy on CENFORES trainers who locally develop training actions.

Staff training. To achieve this end, trainers themselves participate in training courses abroad with the aim of getting to know new realities and perspectives, updating their knowledge and have a more comprehensive perspective of education in an international context. Through collaborative and reflective work among trainers, training actions related to inclusion and educational success open to external personnel will be designed and carried out locally. Thus, in addition to the dissemination there will be a reflective and collaborative process of continuous improvement and strategic development of the staff and the organizations themselves, not only of the consortium but of all CENFORES associates, which will persist in time.

The European development plan is the touchstone on which the entire project is based, since it will allow us to internationalize, enter and participate in an European network of professional knowledge that will allow the sustainability of the project as well as feed other projects that complement, consolidate or that deepen and expand its scope. The project defines the main priorities and the main priority target groups for each type of mobility with certain objectives, which gives us some guarantee that the professional development of the staff is directed to meet the identified needs. This way, we also tried to handle some apparently simple issues that have a strong impact in reducing problems, as is the case of

the inclusion of foreign students through the linguistic development of English of the technical assistants responsible for enrollment. This situation is very relevant because although the situation is currently critical only in one organization, it has also been felt in the others. This is an example of our concern about looking at the needs in their context, understanding and paying attention to the main trends and working together for an inclusive education, with a culture of evidence-based success, with respect for human rights, based on universal values ​​that promote European citizenship.

Other Projects

CENFORES training Center is pursuing his process of internationalization thought the participation in several programs, including Erasmus+ Program in sectors of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education. We have applied for Erasmus Accreditation Consortium in VET and Adult Education. Our national partners are receptive to host international partners participating in Erasmus+ Program.

CENFORES training Center is an Association of 13 organizations, one of them is a High School and the others are school clusters. The number os teachers in all associates are about 2500 working in school education, VET and adult Education. Some of this teachers woks only one sector and others work in two or even three sectors.

Contact CENFORES Training Center

To contact CENFORES Training Center about issues related to Erasmus+ Program please fill the form bellow.