Learning Networks Resource Hub

CCEE’s Learning Networks provide a dedicated space for local educational agencies (LEAs) to engage in continuous improvement cycles to address their individual problems of practice around a common priority area. As LEAs identify and develop resources, tools, and artifacts that help guide their deeper learning journeys, we will be curating those in this Resource Hub to improve statewide access to these valuable resources. We will be updating this Resource Hub on a quarterly basis so check back soon!

Please note that you are free to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon this material in any medium or format, for non-commercial purposes only. However, please provide credit to the original creator(s), as noted below. 

Data Dashboards

Enhance real-time data, discussions and decisions by end-users who are teachers, administrators, and community

Data Literacy & Leadership

Assess current data and assessment programs to determine opportunities for innovative data-driven strategies

Deeper Learning

Improve teaching and learning through formative assessment practices, including student agency in the learning process

Balanced Assessment Systems

Assess the coherence, comprehensiveness, and continuity of assessment systems for instructionally useful assessments
