Data Learning Research Network
Bakersfield City School District
Innovation Idea
Pilot common formative assessment (CFA) practices at Jefferson Elementary School (3rd grade ELA) and Compton Jr. High (8th grade ELA), including foundational training for teachers on data literacy, the CFA cycle, and how to hold effective professional learning community (PLC) data meetings within grade-level teams
Provide teachers with foundational knowledge of data literacy — the ability to gather, interpret, communicate and use multiple data sources effectively — to improve student learning
Provide teachers and site leaders with foundational knowledge of the CFA cycle and PLC process — what they are and how they are used to inform instructional next steps
Provide professional development on data literacy and how to backwards map key standards to provide a sequential progression of learning to support unit planning and formative assessment
Provide ongoing support for teachers as they implement CFA cycles, create formative assessments, and hold data discussions to inform classroom instruction within their grade-level PLCs
Hold Academic Conference Days for teachers to participate in data meetings and plan with their grade-level teams
LEA Team:
Brooke Smother-Strizic, Executive Director of Data & Assessment
Avilene Cueto, Data & Assessment Program Specialist