Universal Design for Learning
Poway Unified School District
Problem of Practice
General Education math teachers do not have a working understanding of UDL strategies and how to use them which results in higher referral rates to special education and decreased LRE access for students on IEPs to general education classes.
General education math teachers, currently not co-teaching, will implement UDL strategies to support student engagement and achievement.
Increased access of students on IEPs to general education math classes and increase A-G outcomes.
Identify the teachers at the sites that are not Co-teaching that would be our targeted audience.
Create a training schedule in conjunction with LSS and District TOSAs for the course of the school year.- Vet through PFT. Identify which trainings could be in person/zoom, versus which ones could be asynchronous.
Provide release time for math teachers at both sites to do peer observations of colleagues that are co-teaching to see models of UDL strategies being implemented.
Point of Contact:
Name: Stacey McCrath-Smith, Director II, Special Education
Email: smccrathsmith@powayusd.com
Name: Michelle Jilly, Program Specialist II
Email: mjilly@powayusd.com