Edit admin for a Public Live Room

If you create a public live room, you will be an administrator for that room. As an administrator you can change who the other admins are of a Public Live Room. Administrators of a live room have the capability to speak, share content, allow other members in the room to come to the stage and "speak" and remove them from the stage. You also have the ability to turn their mics and camera off.

Usually Instructors and TAs are given admin access to easily control who can participate during lecture. 

Watch the video below to follow along step by step to edit admins for a public live room in Campuswire:

Step by step instructions to edit admins for a public live room:

1.Go to the left side of your CampusWire screen and click on the correct icon to navigate to your class

2. Once you are within your class, go to the lower left hand side of the screen and select “#Rooms”

3.Within the Rooms tab, select the live room you want to update

 4. Within your live room, click on the settings button and select Edit room admins from the dropdown menu

5. Your live room called #auditorium is now created!

    Under the “Live rooms” section to the left of your screen, you will see your new live room