Create a Group Feed post

Group feed posts are posts that are shared to the class feed that everyone in the class can view (you can also choose to post only to admins). 

You can choose between posting a note, poll, or question. These are useful to share information or updates with the class, ask a question, or get a conversation started. 

Watch the video below to follow along step by step to create a group feed post:

Step by step instructions to create a group feed post:

1.Go to the left side of your CampusWire screen and click on the correct icon to navigate to your class

2. Once you are within your class, go to the lower left hand side of the screen and select Class Feed

3. At the top of the  Class feed tab, click on the + New post button

4. When prompted, type your post in where the window indicates to write your note you can see the      preview of the post on the right.

When completed, use the Post to everyone button on the lower right hand side to post your note to the entire class. You can also click the dropdown menu and choose to only post your note to certain groups (i.e only TAs and instructors)

5. When posted, your post will populate under in the Class feed, under posts that have been posted this week.