Add Syllabus to the Group Feed as a .pdf or Google link

When a class is created, the syllabus is usually included in the first group feed post so it is easily accessible to the students to view. 

Watch the video below to follow along step by step to Add the syllabus to the group feed as a PDF or Google link

Step by step instructions to add the syllabus to the group feed as a PDF or a  Google link

1. Go to the left side of your Campuswire screen and click on the correct icon to navigate to your class

2. Once you are within your class, go to the lower left hand side of the screen and select Class feed

3. At the top of the  Class feed tab, click on the + New post button

4. When prompted, you will create a new post sharing the class syllabus as a PDF document and as a Google document link.

-Click on the paper clip icon to share the syllabus as a PDF file

-Click on the chain icon to share the syllabus’ Google doc link

    *Keep in mind that the file + Google doc will be shared links. The format is: [TEXT](LINK)

    *Make sure to clean up any messy text 

When completed, use the Post to everyone button on the lower right hand side to post to the class. 

5. When posted, your Class Syllabus post will populate in the Class feed, under posts that have been posted this week.

Reference the image below for an example of how this post should look.