Create a Private Live Room: đź”’office-hours

Private live rooms are designated rooms that can be used to host many people at once using video. They are “private” because members that want to join the private live room will need to wait in a queue and be allowed in by the room admin 1 by 1. Private rooms are great for smaller groups that need to gather for a specific reason. 

You cannot change the admin of a private room- only the person that creates a Private room can be the administrator of that room.

🔒office hours can be a designated room for an instructor to meet one 1 on 1 with students when office hours are scheduled. Other private live rooms can be created and named as needed. 

Watch the video below to follow along step by step to create a private live room in Campuswire:

Step by step instructions to create a private live room (đź”’office hours):

1.Go to the left side of your CampusWire screen and click on the correct icon to navigate to your class

2. Once you are within your class, go to the lower left hand side of the screen and select “#Rooms”

3. Within the Rooms tab, click on the blue circle with a plus sign to create a room. Select “Create a live room” from the drop down menu

4. When prompted, finish setting up your private live room:

        When done, click the create room button in the bottom right corner 

5. Your private live room is now created! Under the “Live rooms” section to the left of your screen, you will see your new private live room.

*Note that private live rooms are differentiated from public live rooms by the lock icon đź”’