Create a Quiz

Quizzes are an option within the assignments tab that allow you to create questions that are automatically graded within the quiz feature, unless the question needs to be graded manually. You can choose a variety of question types, including multiple choice, true/false, short form, and long form questions. 

Watch the video below to follow along step by step to create a quiz

Step by step instructions to create a quiz:

1. Go to the left side of your Campuswire screen and click on the correct icon to navigate to your class

2. Once you are within your class, go to the lower left hand side of the screen and select Assignments

3. Within the Assignments tab, click on Create a new assignment

4. You will be prompted to create a new assignment that is a Quiz:


               When finished, click Next in the bottom right corner

5. You will then be prompted to select an open date & due date for the quiz. The Open date is the date when the Quiz will be go live, or available for students to view & submit the Quiz.

You can also select to allow for late submissions or set custom weights for the quiz.

When done, select Create on the bottom right hand corner. 

6. Next, you will need to set each question in your quiz. There are 5 types of questions you can set: (Note that you can optionally add media or a hint for every type of question)

When the question is added to the quiz, click on + New question to add another prompt.

7. When you are done adding questions, Select Save on the bottom right

8. In order for everyone in class to view the quiz, you must publish the assignment. To do this, navigate to the top right hand corner of the assignment where there is an “unpublished” tag. Click on the three dots and select publish assignment from the drop down menu 

8. Once published, the screen will indicate that Submissions are now open for the quiz! Submissions will close on the quiz’s due date.