Custom Weights for Assignments and Quizzes

For Assignments and Quizzes, you can set a custom weight for that assignment or quiz, meaning you can unevenly distribute assignment weight within assignment type. For example, if you have 2 projects for your class, Campuswire will mark that both assignments are worth 50% of the total assignments grade. However, you may want to designate one assignment as 60% of the total projects grade and one as 40%. 

Watch the video below to follow along step by step to set custom weights for assignments and quizzes

Step by step instructions to set custom weights for assignments and quizzes:

1. Go to the left side of your Campuswire screen and click on the correct icon to navigate to your class

2. Once you are within your class, go to the lower left hand side of the screen and select Assignments

3. Within the assignments tab, click into any assignment and navigate to the top right hand corner and click on the three dots. Choose Edit Assignment from the drop down menu. (To enter a custom weight for a quiz, follow the same instructions within a quiz)

4. When the initial popup to Update Assignment appears, click Next

On the next page, click on the toggle switch to activate Custom Weights

5. When prompted, enter  how much you want each assignment to be weighted. Select Update in the lower right hand corner when you are done.

The new weights are now in effect!