~ 9DGT ~
Nau mai ki te tau 9 Hangarau Matihiko!
Welcome to Year 9 Digital Technologies!
The focus for this course is....
Digital outcomes made by and for people within society
~+~+~ OVERVIEW OF YEAR ~+~+~
Welcome to Year 9 Digital Technologies a compulsory digital literacy and computer science unit at Burnside.
During the semester we will cover four topics:
Creating a digital pepeha, a poster that incorporates ideas that are important to you.
Computer science where we will learn how computers work
Making a computer program using Scratch
Finally we will be using the design process to make a personal project
All the classroom have 30 computers that you can use, however if you prefer you are welcome to use your own. All the software we use is free although some of it will not work on Chromebooks.
We have headphones available to given to students at the start of the course if they don't have their own. In Digital Technologies we use a lot of self-directed learning so that students can work at their own pace. You will not be issued with additional sets if you lose or break them.
Course Evaluation
Assessing these courses against the curriculum
Teachers and learners are encouraged to work their way through these tasks.
As students complete work and teachers prepare to make judgements they should refer to:
NZQA - Assessment tools and approaches
Digital Technologies | Progress Outcomes
Computational thinking for digital technologies
The progress outcomes describe the significant learning steps that students take as they develop their expertise in computational thinking for digital technologies.
At the end of Computer Science students will have had the opportunity to cover;
understand that there can be more than one algorithm for the same problem PO3
decompose problems into step-by-step instructions to create algorithms for computer programs PO3
use logical thinking to predict the behaviour of the programs PO3
develop and debug simple programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, and iteration PO3
students decompose problems to create simple algorithms using the three building blocks of programming: sequence, selection, and iteration PO4
implement these algorithms by creating programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, basic selection using comparative operators, and iteration PO4
debug simple algorithms and programs by identifying when things go wrong with their instructions and correcting them PO4
be able to explain why things went wrong and how they fixed them PO4
evaluate the efficiency of algorithms PO4
recognise that computers need to search and sort large amounts of data PO4
They also evaluate user interfaces in relation to their efficiency and usability P04
students independently decompose problems into algorithms. They use these algorithms to create programs with: inputs, outputs, sequence, selection (using: comparative and logical operators, variables of different data types), iteration. P05
determine when to use different types of control structures. They document their programs, using an organised approach for testing and debugging P05
develop programs considering human-computer interaction (HCI) heuristics P05
At the end of Programming students will have had the opportunity to cover;
understand that there can be more than one algorithm for the same problem PO3
decompose problems into step-by-step instructions to create algorithms for computer programs PO3
use logical thinking to predict the behaviour of the programs PO3
develop and debug simple programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, and iteration PO3
students decompose problems to create simple algorithms using the three building blocks of programming: sequence, selection, and iteration PO4
implement these algorithms by creating programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, basic selection using comparative operators, and iteration PO4
debug simple algorithms and programs by identifying when things go wrong with their instructions and correcting them PO4
be able to explain why things went wrong and how they fixed them PO4
evaluate the efficiency of algorithms PO4
recognise that computers need to search and sort large amounts of data PO4
They also evaluate user interfaces in relation to their efficiency and usability P04
students independently decompose problems into algorithms. They use these algorithms to create programs with: inputs, outputs, sequence, selection (using: comparative and logical operators, variables of different data types), iteration. P05
determine when to use different types of control structures. They document their programs, using an organised approach for testing and debugging P05
develop programs considering human-computer interaction (HCI) heuristics P05
Designing and developing Digital Outcomes For Digital Technologies
At the end of this topic students will have had the opportunity to cover;
make decisions about creating, manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing, and testing digital content for a specific purpose, given particular parameters, tools, and techniques PO2
understand that digital devices impact on humans and society and that both the devices and their impact change over time PO2
identify the specific role of components in a simple input-process-output system and how they work together, and they recognise the "control role” that humans have in the system PO2
select from an increasing range of applications and file types to develop outcomes for particular purposes PO2
follow a defined process to design, develop, store, test, and evaluate digital content to address given contexts or issues, taking into account immediate social, ethical, and end-user considerations PO3
identify the key features of selected software and choose the most appropriate software and file types to develop and combine digital content PO3
understand the role of operating systems in managing digital devices, security, and application software and are able to apply file management conventions using a range of storage devices PO3
understand that with storing data comes responsibility for ensuring security and privacy PO3