~ 9DGT ~

Nau mai ki te tau 9 Hangarau Matihiko!

Welcome to Year 9 Digital Technologies!


The focus for this course is....

Digital outcomes made by and for people within society

~+~+~ OVERVIEW OF YEAR ~+~+~


Welcome to Year 9 Digital Technologies a compulsory digital literacy and computer science unit at Burnside.

During the semester we will cover four topics:


AI Image Creation

Image Manipulation

Computer Science

Programming with Scratch

Character Design Project

Course Evaluation

After more resources? 

Check out the Skills section of the website

9DGT Student Work


Assessing these courses against the curriculum

Teachers and learners are encouraged to work their way through these tasks.

As students complete work and teachers prepare to make judgements they should refer to:

NZQA - Assessment tools and approaches 


Assessment for learning: Using the right tools and resources to notice and respond to progress across the curriculum


Digital Technologies | Progress Outcomes

Computational thinking for digital technologies

The progress outcomes describe the significant learning steps that students take as they develop their expertise in computational thinking for digital technologies.

At the end of Computer Science students will have had the opportunity to cover;


At the end of Programming students will have had the opportunity to cover;

Designing and developing Digital Outcomes For Digital Technologies

At the end of this topic students will have had the opportunity to cover;