This course is a product design course based on Electronics. It means to be successfull a good understanding of Sketching, 3D Modelling, Programming, Electronics and Project/Time management skills is required.

Nau mai ki te hikohiko! / Welcome to Electronics!

This is a project-based course for students wanting to specialise in designing, modifying, hacking, and creating digital hardware, electronics and infrastructures.

This course will encourage students to understand how modern computer-controlled electronic devices work by building and programming their own. It will also allow students to explore the world of networking and computing infrastructures if they wish to. 

Background Knowledge

Although students can enter the course with no background knowledge in Electronics, they are expected to understand basic and advanced  electronics concepts as well as basic electronic skills. They will have they opportunity to develop those throughout Term 1.

Technical Skills

Your focus will be on these primary areas and draw in other technical skills as required by your project: 

Other skills:

Project Skills

Vincent van Gogh, the famous Dutch painter,  once made the point that “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together; and great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed.”

Key Competencies

One of the goals of this course is to develop key competencies as outlined in the NZ Curriculum. As part of your weekly tasks you will be expected to show how you have used these competencies. The information below gives you ideas of what we are looking for in each competency.


This course will help me to develop my key competency skills of:

"Thinking" by helping me to

"Relating to others” by helping me to


“Using Language, symbols and texts” by helping me to


“Managing self” by helping me to

 "Participating and contributing” by helping me to

Resources Required

Below is a list of resources you are expected to use in this class:

The electronics room will be available any time you need it by arrangement with Mrs Dunn.

Unit Standards

There are a range of standards in Electronics that are competency based, as apposed to Achievement Standards that are based on the New Zealand curriculum.  L2 Unit standards only have two grades: Achieved and Not Achieved.  To create your own project the skills and knowledge that are assessed as part of the Unit Standards are the foundation for your Electronics projects. Achieving Unit Standards can be harder for most as have to complete a closed book examination and you have to get everything right. But the advanced is a really structured way to get familiar with electronic concepts and skills.

The Unit Standards focus on

Assessments Offered

A variety of assessments are offered but this also depends on the other Technology subjects student are taking. Assessment will be negotiated with their teacher/s based on their project.

The Projects

The projects are central to the success of the course and will form the evidence for assessments. 

There are a number of project that are advanced enough for Level 2. These are examples.


Inquiry in electronics

Listed here are all the information you need to get you started. The main purpose of an inquiry project is to come up with an idea/proposal for a project that will be worth while and has a solid foundation to create an outcome that is usable. These links below are the best place to start.