
(adjective) be adept, proficient, skilled, able, accomplished, expert, masterful, practised, skilful.


Micro-credential Criteria: Successfully log into a school computer and understand common issues with logging into the school system.

Micro-credential Criteria: Show solid improvement in typing over the course by submitting a screenshot of your typing speed graph over time in the website of your choice.

Micro-credential Criteria: Organise files on your computer into folders. Files also need to be named with sensible names.

Snipping and Screenshotting

Micro-credential Criteria: Be able to Screenshot your screen and use the images correctly

Transferring Files

Micro-credential Criteria: Be able to move files from your phone, to the cloud, and to a school computer in any order

Micro-credential Criteria: Create a composite image (one made of lots of other pictures) containing images that contain images you have made yourself, creative commons, public domain, AI generated and stock images.

Micro-credential Criteria: Create a composite audio track containing audio you have made yourself, creative commons, public domain, AI generated and stock audio.

Micro-credential Criteria: Create a composite video track containing video you have made yourself, creative commons, public domain, AI generated and stock video.

Project Management

Micro-credential Criteria: Plan and develop a year 10 project and deplay it at the Technology Fair.

Troubleshooting and the BBBB

Micro-credential Criteria: Plan and develop a year 10 project and deplay it at the Technology Fair.

The Right Tool for the Right Job

Micro-credential Criteria: Choose the rigt tool for your year 10 personal project.

Monetisation, Distribution and Open Source

Micro-credential Criteria: Release your first project either as a monetised product or Open Source for other creators to use.

Emails and Messaging

Micro-credential Criteria: Understand the difference between e-mail and messaging and demonstrate this.

Online Etiquette

Micro-credential Criteria: Understand correct online Etiquette and how to have posivite and safe interactions on the internet.

Passwords and Security

Micro-credential Criteria: Understand what makes a good password and 

Vector vs Raster Images

Macrons and Different Language Texts

Parts of a Computer

Women in Tech

Pathways in Tech

Use of AI

Icons from Souvik Bhattacharjee, IYIKON, Lalu Triawanri Novianung, Juliette Design, Design Circle, Lucid Formation, Mila Karmila, inipagi studio,  from the Noun Project is licensed under CC BY 3.0