Recommended Learning Minutes

BSD teachers are providing assignments to students that can typically be completed within the suggested time frames (minutes per day) below.

The time frames in the tables below are provided as guidelines for the amount of time to allocate to learning. Parents should consider these recommendations while deciding what works best for their students and family context, including when student learning can best occur throughout any particular day. BSD supports a flexible approach that could include learning in different subject areas on different days. This could include making a weekly plan.

Please also note these suggested allotments of minutes per day are for learning time, not direct teacher instruction time.

Recommended Home Learning Minutes ELEMENTARY
Recommended Home Learning Minutes INTERMEDIATE

Additional Notes On Minutes and Use of Time for Learning

Elementary Science and History/SS Minutes

Please note that at the elementary level, the minutes recommended for Science and History/SS are for those two content areas combined.

*Regarding PE UPDATE, APRIL 23, 2020

On April 23, 2020, the Governor released a much anticipated Executive Order which includes provisions waiving a number of requirements related to physical fitness, including the requirements for minimum instructional minutes for PE and the requirements related to the provision of adequate facilities for PE courses. The Governor is also waiving the requirement that LEAs must administer a physical fitness performance test to all students in grades 5, 7, and 9 for the 2019-20 school year.

BSD encourages students and families to safely engage in activities, including exercise, that promote health and well-being during School Closure and Shelter in Place (SIP).

The State of California requires physical education of “not less than 200 minutes each 10 schooldays” for students in grades 1-6 and “not less than 400 minutes each 10 schooldays” for students in grades 7&8. Participation in physical education remains a requirement during this school closure window

Arts and Other Enrichment** - As much as desired!

Especially at this time, providing opportunities to engage in creative pursuits, including via the arts, and other exploration and enrichment activities can be a wonderful experience for students. BSD school sites are providing resources and activities in support of arts and enrichment experiences. Parents are encouraged, as possible, to support and participate in these activities with their students.