Virtual Parents Evening

We have introduced a new, easy to use online appointment booking system for Parents Evenings. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. We are confident this will be an improvement to the previous system and welcome any feedback.

You will be able to book appointments with your child’s teachers for 5 minutes each. It is worth noting that appointments will automatically time out during the parents evening at the end of the scheduled time. There will be a countdown on the screen showing how long is left. If, for any reason, either the teacher or yourself is late to the appointment time it will not be extended, and will still time out at the scheduled end time.

Schoolcloud recommend that you use your smartphone if you have one to attend the video appointments or you could alternatively use a laptop or computer with a webcam and microphone.

You will receive a letter or email when relevant Parents Evenings open to you, at which point you will be able to visit and sign in with your details.

Please click on the link here to find a video to support you in using the system.

Further information and letters to individual year groups are issued approximately two weeks below to allow parents to book suitable appointments times.

Parents - How to attend appointments over video call Click below!