Transition into Year 7 - FAQs

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition: Frequently Asked Questions

As the transition from primary school to secondary can be a scary time we have put together some questions that students and parents frequently ask. Here is what they asked…


Will Secondary School be in contact with us before September for transition?

We have already made contact with each Primary School regarding your child to ensure we are informed with any additional information that may help with their transition process. Our transition portal is regularly updated with key information. Parents are encouraged to complete our Parent Survey which gives the opportunity to share additional information to further support your child’s transition to Bridgemary School.

Will we still have transition week, or will we just go into school without transition week?

The current plans are for Year 7 to have time as a tutor group in school, before the rest of the school return. We cannot finalise plans until we have further information of the lockdown situation. We always follow the current and up to date guidance from the DfE and local authority. Further information regarding this will be coming out in the post.

If we can’t go back yet, will we find out our class and who will be in our groups, and then have tour at a later date?

Groups will only be known when you have your first day at Bridgemary, you will also be given a tour of the school with other members of your year group. In the meantime, we are busy preparing a virtual tour of the school which you will be able to access via the website.

What will we do if COVID- 19 is still around?

We will put plans in place following updated guidance from the DfE and local authority.

How long is the school day?

The school day starts at 8:40 and finishes at 15:00. (You can also click here for more information about what your school day will look like.)

Which way do I come in to school?

There is a main gate on Wych Lane you can enter school from where you will be greeted by members of staff each morning as you arrive.

Can I ride my bike to school?

You can ride your bike to school. There is a bike shed to put them in but the school will not accept responsibility for your bike. Cycle helmets must be worn when cycling to and from school. We highly recommend using a bike lock and having lights on your bike.

How long are lessons?

All lessons are one hour long (You can also ‘Click here for more information about what your school day will look like)

How many lessons are there?

There are five lessons in each day, Bridgemary School has a two-week timetable so you might not have the same lessons both days in the cycle but you will get used to the timetable. You will receive a timetable from your Tutor on your first day with us.

Do I need my PE Kit on my first day?

Due to not getting your timetable until the first day with us, you will not be required to bring your PE Kit. However if you would like to bring trainers in your bag to change into to ensure you can take part in all activities to the extent you wish to, I recommend bringing them. (Click here to find out more about Uniform.)

How will I find my way around Bridgemary School?

When starting at the school all young people are timetable and you will also have a map in your orientation booklet, however you will find very quickly that you start to remember your way around. Please take a look at our Year 6/7 Transition Virtual Tour which will guide you around the school.

What lessons will I have at Bridgemary School?

Many of the lessons that you’ve had at primary school will be continued, such as Maths, English and Science. You will also do Humanities, which is Geography, History and Religious Studies. You will do Physical Education, Art, Drama, Music, Computer Science and Technology - all students also study a language, which is Spanish.

What are the older students like?

Many of our older students are very supportive of our younger students and will approach to help them find their way. You will wear a tie representing your house. Other year groups within your house will also be wearing their house tie, which means all students can be identified very quickly by teachers and students for any support. A number of older students are Senior Students who are our ambassadors for the school who will always be able to help you, they are identified wearing a gold tie.

How long is lunchtime?

Students have two 25 minute breaks during the day.

1st break is at 11.05am and 2nd break is at 1.30pm. Year 7 will be given time to learn how to access the school canteen so they know how to use the system. More information will be sent to parents regarding our online paying system.

What kind of food is there in the canteen?

Our canteen serves a wide variety of food catering for everyone, including pizzas and pasta bowls, and there is also a salad bar, baguettes, sandwiches, a daily main meal and many desserts such as muffins and biscuits. We have the main canteen and the outdoor shack to ensure all students have the time to buy and eat their lunch (please note that the daily main meal can only be purchased in the main canteen).

How do I pay for my lunch?

All students will have their fingerprint take which they use in the canteen. Our canteen is a cashless outlet and students can either bring money into school or put it on their account via the machine that we have or parents can transfer money to their accounts using your online paying system. Letters will be distributed to parents within the first 2 weeks of your child starting at Bridgemary to guide you on how to do this with account details.

When you get up to the till you choose your food and use your thumb print. Both areas are sanitised each time it is used by a student/staff. The amount is then deducted from your account.

When do I find out who my tutor is?

You will meet your tutor on the keeping in touch day we are planning. If you have a new member of staff for a tutor you will meet them on your first day in September.

When do I find out who is going to be in my tutor group?

On your first day at Bridgemary School you will meet the other people in your tutor group. You will also meet your tutor and spend time getting to know them.

Will I be in the same Tutor Group or House as my sibling?

Our House system provides students with a sense of identity within the wider school community. Siblings will always be put in the same House, but not the same tutor group. Regular Inter-House challenges are organised to promote team building, camaraderie and healthy competition.

Am I allowed to wear jewellery?

The only jewellery permitted at Bridgemary School is a watch and one earring in the bottom lobe of each ear. These must be small and discreet studs only. One discreet/plain ring per hand is permitted (i.e. no large stones etc.)

Am I allowed to wear my hair down?

You may wear your hair down at Bridgemary School, but you must always have a hair tie with you for when you have practical lessons such as PE, Technology and Science.

Can girls wear trousers?

Our uniform at Bridgemary School is unisex and therefore girls can choose to wear trousers or our school skirt.

For further information regarding uniform, please click here

What do I need to bring on my first day?

On your first day you will need to bring equipment from the equipment list and packed lunch or money to buy food at the canteen. You will NOT need your PE kit on the first day. (Click here to find out more about equipment).

What if I get lost on my way to lessons?

Just ask someone. Whether that is a student or member of staff there are always many people to ask- They will help you. All staff can be identified by their Bridgemary School lanyard.

What if I get bullied at school?

If a member of our community behaves in an inappropriate way to you it is really important that you tell somebody, whether that is a friend, parents/carers, your tutor, your Assistant Head of House or your Head of House. You must tell somebody to enable them to deal with it for you. (Please click here to see who to contact)

What do I do if I’m not feeling very well?

If you start to feel unwell during the School day, it may pass. Ask your teacher politely (and raising your hand) if you can remove your blazer, have a drink and to have a window open.

If it doesn't go away, speak to your class teacher and they will ask a First Aider to see you. The first aider may call your parents/guardians.

The medical room is open at break times for headaches, stomach aches and any non-emergencies.

You must not carry your own medication on you unless permission has already been given by the school. It should be handed into Mrs Reynolds at the beginning of the day.

Where do I go if I need help during school?

The House Hub is a central point in our school and you can go there if you need any help. Assistant Heads of House are in one office which means there is always a member of staff there who can support you.

How many students are at Bridgemary School?

In your year group there will be approximately 160 students. There are around 700 students across the school in Years 7 – 11.

Do you have a Behaviour policy?

At Bridgemary School we believe in rewarding those who work hard and behave respectfully as well as having consequences for those who choose to break the rules. We have a commitment to developing and building an inclusive school and to ensuring that the values of our school are based on equal opportunities for all. We have fair rules and we believe that every member of our learning community has a part to play in making sure that they are adhered to. Please click here for our Behaviour policy. This is a working document which lays out the different parts of the policy. We are aware that its success depends on students, parents, and staff working together to achieve the behaviour we all want from all of our children.

Do you have a positive points system?

Yes, we have ‘merit’ system which students gain through being a positive member of the Bridgemary Community both inside and outside of school. These points add up to prizes throughout the school year given by their House Team as well as their Head of Key Stage 3. Parents will be able to track their child’s points system as well as attendance and homework on classcharts once they have received their log in details from Bridgemary. (Please click here for more information on rewards)

How do I find out what my homework is?

Login to Classcharts using the link on the school website. Login details will be given out in September. Parents also have login details. (Further information can be found here)

How long do I get to complete my homework?

Most departments set one piece of homework per week, although some departments may set longer project based homework which last longer than one week.

What happens if I don’t do my homework?

Your teacher will set you an after school detention to catch up and to support you.

Who do I speak to if I can’t do my homework?

You should speak to the class teacher you set the homework. Or you could speak to your tutor.

What clubs are there?

There are many different clubs and activities on offer at Bridgemary School, including a wide range of sports, such as Football, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, and others, such as table tennis. The Physical Education extra-curricular timetable changes each term to suite different seasonal sports.

At Bridgemary School we provide enrichment activities for everyone with; after school Technology Clubs, Art Club, Science Club, English Club, Maths Club, Digital Music and a large variety of different sports clubs to choose from! When you eventually come towards the end of your Bridgemary journey, our Year 11 students also benefit from a wide range of enrichment and revision clubs and drop in sessions, enabling them to achieve the best possible results in their forthcoming exams.

Mrs Fiona Eddie also oversees our Forces Children and provides support for Service Children and families at Bridgemary School during times of deployment, weekending and general military life.

Please take a look here to see our most recent extra-curricular timetable as an example.

What Official Social Media accounts can I follow as a Student/Parent to see what else Bridgemary School get up to?



Will I be informed if my son/daughter is kept behind for detention?

Yes, after school detentions are highlighted on student and parent classcharts and you will also be notified by text message the day before the detention is due to take place.

How do I contact my son/daughter's teacher?

Please email staff via (FAO staff member). Bridgemary School respects the privacy and work/life balance of its staff. We do not expect our staff to check or respond to email when they are not at work, weekends or during holidays. Teaching staff will prioritise teaching activities and we cannot guarantee your email will be read the same day you send it. Office staff emails will only be read on working days and if an email has been sent after 3.30pm on any working day, then it will most likely be processed the following working day.

I am not sure who to contact?

Please click here for our ‘who do I contact?’ page for further guidance and support.

What should I do if I have not received a return telephone call?

Please allow staff time to return your call. Teachers will be involved in lessons and some will have 5 period days and duties to cover. Pastoral staff also have commitments during the day.

Who does my son/daughter see if they have lost property?

Students need to see their Tutor or go to the Student Support office. Uncollected items left in student support will be detailed in the student bulletin. Unclaimed items are sent to a charity shop at the end of term.

Where do I find the school holiday dates?

Key Dates and Term Dates can be found on the school website under the Parents heading

What is the school uniform and where can I purchase it?

Details of the school uniform can be found here on the school's website.

Uniform can be purchased from two providers. Please click here for more information.