
We use our ASPIRE ethos as a platform to reward students for doing the right things in school.

At Bridgemary School we have AMBITION for SUCCESS and PRIDE in ourselves, our work and our community. We demonstrate INDEPENDENCE and RESILIENCE in our learning to be the best we can be. We always put 100% EFFORT in our work

Staff will look for opportunities to recognise when students are following the expectations of the classroom.

These merits go towards the House cup and also individual incremental rewards. We will also communicate with home when students reach certain thresholds for collecting their merits.

  • Bronze badge for collecting 175 merits

  • Silver badge for collecting 350 merits

  • Gold badge for collecting 525 merits

  • Platinum badge for collecting 700 merits

  • Diamond badge for collecting 850 merits

  • Headteacher's Award for collecting 975 merits

  • Email home for receiving 10 merits in one subject

  • Email home for receiving 25 merits in one subject

  • Postcard sent home for achieving 50 merits in a subject

  • Work is shared in our ‘Gallery of Excellence’

  • Student of the Week and Month

There are also opportunities for students to receive nominations and certificates from tutors and Heads of Year in the fortnightly assemblies.