Parent / Carer Forum

What is a Parent/Carer Forum

A group of parents and carers who meet once a term to discuss school-related issues.

This forum aims to bring together parents, carers, school staff and other members of the school community to support the school’s continuous improvement.

This is a valuable way to listen to the ideas and concerns of families and seek their views, helping to make sure the needs of children and their families are met.

Click here to download a copy of the Terms of Reference.

We aim to run a parent forum on the following dates:

29th September 2021

22nd November 2021

2nd February 2022

23rd March 2022

18th May 2022

6th July 2022


The aim of the Parent/Carer forum is to:

  • Develop a partnership between the school and parent/carer in order to promote and support the pupils’ learning;

  • Find out more about the school;

  • Discuss your ideas;

  • Discuss your concerns/suggestions;

  • Bring about change ;

  • Share information, knowledge and skills;

  • Meet in a mutually supportive environment;

  • Improve communications between parent/carers and staff/ governors.


Who can be part of the parent forum?

Any parent is welcome to join any parent/carer forum meeting.

Tom Garfield, the Headteacher, chairs the forum. At times, other members of the school community will also attend the meetings depending on the agenda items.

Why should I be part of the parent forum?

It gives you an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents. This is your opportunity to have a voice and to foster a culture of ownership and participation.

We encourage more parents/carers to get involved with school life and provide your views, concerns and suggestions for improvement.

When are the Parent/Carer Forum meetings?

You can find these dates on the calendar on the 'Home Page'

Who to contact?

Any queries regarding the Parent/Carer Forum, please contact or telephone the school.

Protocols for the Parent/Carer Forum.

Parents and carers need to register their interest to attend the forum by email via

Agenda items should be tabled before the forum and the agenda for each meeting will be published on the school’s website 48 hours beforehand.

What will be discussed at the meetings?

The forum will run by a pre-published agenda.

Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents. The meetings will be informal and are an opportunity for an open discussion. Minutes of the meetings will be taken and these will be accessible on the school’s website.

What will not be discussed at the meetings?

Concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff. These issues should be raised with the class teacher, Head of Year, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher in a confidential meeting.

How can I raise an issue?

Email us at If appropriate, it will be added to the agenda for discussion.

Items put forward for discussion, if received 48 hours beforehand, will not be considered. The item will be added to the agenda for the next forum.

Please note that all issues, whether you raise them yourself or on behalf of other parents/carers, should be general issues, not related to a specific child, teacher or incident. If you have specific concerns these should be communicated via

Understanding the views of the parents and carers is important and we encourage you to contact the school directly to discuss issues and obtain support from our staff body at any point during your child’s learning journey with us.