
Appointments can be made to see Tutors, Class Teachers, Heads of Department and Heads of Year or members of the Senior Leadership Team via the school office. Please bear in mind that the beginning and end of the school day are likely to be busy times for the teaching staff.

The Headteacher and teaching staff are always willing to talk to parents, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you want any further information on anything you see on this website or you want to ask us about anything to do with the school we will be pleased to share, host visits and talk to you.

At Bridgemary School, we believe that communication is key to building partnerships and underpinning success for each and every child.

We appreciate that having become used to regular face-to-face contact with your child’s primary teacher, the move to secondary school can be daunting in terms of whom to contact when you have a query – however big or small.

If in doubt, please get in touch with our receptionist on 01329 319966. They will be happy to assist in putting you through to the relevant person.

If you would like to:

Key Staff members

A full list of staff emails can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you have any other queries, concerns or comments, then please ring Reception on 01329 319966 or email

Please copy and paste the email addresses of the staff members you wish to contact into the correct field.

We value your views and look forward to hearing from you.

contact email addresses

Our Sponsor

We are proud to be sponsored by The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT). If you wish to make contact, please see below:

Postal Address: The Atkins Centre, Kemnal Technology College, Sevenoaks Way, Sidcup, Kent.  DA14 5AA

Telephone Number: 020 3740 1808

Email Address:

  TKAT Website