Hello from the Kellands Kindness Committee.

We have representatives from primary 4-7, who all applied for the role and were voted in by their classmates. Together we make Kellands and the surrounding community a kinder and happier place. 

We have already begun working on a number of projects and have some exciting ideas coming soon!

Happy News

A project that we started last school year and are continuing with is our happy news. The school receives a copy of 'The Happy News' by Emily Coxhead, a newspaper sharing lots of happy stories. We receive the newspaper every 3 months and one copy goes to each of the primary 4-7 classrooms. However, we felt it was important for everyone to hear some happy news, so we record a short video about one of the stories for our online assemblies. Look out for these and we hope they cheer you up!

Food Bank

We also have taken over the school food bank, making sure that the supplies we have are put out each morning and tidied away again at the end of the day. We keep an eye on the stock, and let Miss Hughes know when we are running low on things so she can ask for donations over facebook. We are always delighted to see donations coming in and also love when stock is running low because this means we have helped some of our Kellands Families. 

We are hoping to expand the items available in the food bank soon, so keep an eye out for more information!


We have decided to start a clothes bank to go along side our food bank! We know how quickly we change style and grow, and loved the swap sale last year, so we decided to try and bring it back in a different way. Please have a look at the poster we made for more information! 

Christmas Stockings

Before the Christmas holidays we decided that we wanted to do something to help our Kellands families that might be find the festive period difficult. We thought that everyone at Kellands School should have something to special to open on Christmas morning and set to work making sure this would happen. We wrote letters to lots of local businesses asking them to support our project, and were delighted when lots of them agreed to help despite the short notice! 

We were able to make 45 fantastic Christmas gift bags filled with lots of goodies and we hope they put lots of smiles on lots of faces.