Poppy Sangthong

Being a young Asian Female comes with a lot of negative cultural dictations; now is the time to break the chain of oppression. No more being shamed for choosing to evolve. It takes one person to progress to break cycles of exploitation and condemnation, representing the option to walk their own path. The texture that appears towards the lower section occurs when the inside and outside dry unevenly and pressure is applied from the inside out. The outer skin is being slightly hardened with a torch. It then is pushed out from the inside, which is still more malleable, evolving both the inside and outside of the piece. As long as the inner part is strong, nothing can bring it down. Pounds of clay are being stored inside of the piece and being taken out to sculpt as needed. Fine grog represents the hardships by applying it only to the surface. As the piece evolves, more grog is wedged into the clay becoming a part of the piece. As it gets taller, the grog makes the piece more resilient. The thought of firing these pieces and trapping them in an everlasting form is absurd. It has the freedom to continue to dry out, letting go of its water content, and giving it the choice to absorb more water ever evolving its form. Making peace with the unspeakable is my way of breaking free. We as young Asian women cannot speak the truth without being invalidated. We are labeled as disgraces for standing up against cultural toxicity. Claiming our space, voice, and rights is the step to evolution.

ResilientStoneware, grog, silica sand, 2020