School Access

Designated Spaces

Each year, the boundaries of the elementary (K-8) and secondary (9-12) spaces are reviewed with all PECI students K-12.  The boundaries of shared spaces located near the main and administrative offices, the front foyer, and the library are also reviewed with students.

Elementary recess is conducted in fenced yard that is not shared with high school students.  Furthermore, there is also a seperate and secure kindergarten yard to ensure student safety.

Students are expected to remain within their elementary or secondary panel designated areas at all times unless supervised by a staff member.

Classes In Progress

Students are expected to arrive to class on-time, and stay in class during scheduled class times.  Students who are observed in hallways or common areas during scheduled class times will be asked to account for themselves, and may be directed back to class.  Students are expected to promptly return to class when directed to do so by PECI staff.



PECI elementary students are expected to stay within their classrooms and/or with their teacher at all times.  Unsupervised travel outside the classroom requires approval from a supervising adult, and students must follow the Code of Conduct at all times.  Before and after school, and at recess, students are required to remain in the designated supervised areas i.e. playground, bus loading zone, etc.

Students are not permitted to loiter in the washroom at any time.


Students in secondary school experience a greater degree of freedom than elementary students.  At break times, lunch, and before and after school students are permitted to gather and socialize in common areas of the building designated as the high school.

Students are not permitted to meet, gather, or loiter in the following areas:

Washroom Conduct

Students have a right to feel safe, and have a sense of privacy, while in the washroom.  By etiquette and social norm, washrooms are intended for people to conduct their personal and private business.  Washrooms are not considered to be public common areas, and people are not permitted to gather in groups or loiter in washrooms.

Students are responsible for using washrooms for their intended purpose, and must vacate the washroom as soon as possible following use.  The following rules are typical in public washrooms, and apply in all school washrooms:

Students found in violation of these rules will be subject to school consequences.

Students on Suspension

Students on suspension are not permitted to enter onto school property or participate in any school activities.  Suspension from school includes suspension from the bus.