Returning Graduates

All PECI students who have not attained their Ontario Secondary School Diploma after 4 years are welcome to enroll.  Our ultimate mission is to support the graduation of all students.

Typically, Ontario students earn their high school diploma in four years whenever possible, and pathway plans involving a return to high school after graduation are normally completed prior to graduation.  That said, in some circumstances, graduates may be granted permission to return to complete additional credits.  A common reason we enroll a graduate for a fifth year is to accomodate students who encounter a sudden pathway change during their Gr.12 year.  In such cases, a student might be missing a specific course required for entrance to a post-secondary program.


Since each individual PECI graduate will have their own reasons for wanting to return, your circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.


If graduates are accepted to return, it will be on the basis of registering in a specific course or courses, required to support specialized students needs.  Returning graduates will be given a part-time schedule, and will be expected to arrive and depart school based on their individualized school day.*  Participation in extracurricular activities will also be limited, and at the discretion of the principal.  Please remember that some teams and clubs have limited positions, and need to serve students who have not yet graduated.

Our priority is to create timetables for students who have not yet graduated.  If approved to return for additional credits, you may need to be placed on a waiting list for the following year.


There are many quality programs available for graduated students to make their transition from high school to a post-secondary destination.  These programs allow for students to grow independently, as adults, and don’t involve the encumbrances and restrictions of a traditional high school day.  When graduates are interested in continuing their learning at the secondary school level, we strongly recommend they enroll at our Adult High School.  This option provides flexibility for students to work at their own pace, and on an individualized schedule.  

To assist our soon to graduate and/or recently graduated students, we suggest booking a PECI Guidance appointment to discuss the range of alternatives.

*Does not apply to students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP)