Daily Routine

Regular School Hours

The regular school hours of operation for students are from 7:50AM to 2:45PM.  Supervision will be provided during these times.  Students involved in extracurricular activities may be invited to arrive earlier or stay later than the regular school day.  Elementary students are not permitted to leave school property during the school day.  Secondary students have the privilege to leave school property at breaks, and at lunch so long as they are punctual for class.

Arrival Procedures


The school officially opens to students coinciding with the unloading of our first bus at 7:50AM.  Students will not be supervised, nor will they be permitted to enter the building beforehand.

All students Gr.1-8 will report to the playground through the kindergarten gate, accessible at the side of the school, near to Elm St. and door E. 

Kindergarten students arriving by bus will enter through door C.  Kindergarten students arriving by drop-off will enter through door E. All kindergarten students will be directed by an adult to the gym where the supervisor will place them with their class.

Rainy Weather Arrival

Gr.1 to 8 elementary students may enter through door C or E and report to their classroom.  Kindergarten students follow the regular entry plan.

See map below. 


The school officially opens to students coinciding with the unloading of our first bus at 7:50AM.  Students will not be supervised, nor will they be permitted to enter the building beforehand.

Secondary students must enter from the main doors, and/or entrance B at the front of the school.  Secondary students may also enter from entrance W, accessible from student parking at the rear of the school.

See map below. 

Departure Procedures


Bus riders will be directed by their teachers to the front of the school through doors C and E.  Riders will either board the first wave of busses, or wait in their bus groups at the supervised concrete loading zone between doors C and B.

Students who walk, and those picked-up by their parents/guardians, are dismissed through doors C and E at the side of the school known as the "Kiss and Ride".

These areas are supervised by staff.  Kindergarten students receive additional support to ensure their safety.

Rainy Weather Departure

2nd Wave bus riders are held in the cafeteria, and dismissed to load their bus when all the busses have arrived.


Bus riders exit the building through doors A, B, or W and are responsible for their own timely departure.

Riders gather at the front of the school on the grassy area and/or the school walkway between door B and Johnson Street.

Secondary students can be picked-up at the rear of the school in the back parking lot, or in any safe zone where street parking exists close to the school.  The "Kiss and Ride" is an additional option.

Rainy Weather Departure

2nd Wave riders may wait in the school, typically in the front foyer, or near an exit door if it is safe to do so.