Mobile Devices

Statement on Mobile Devices

At PECI, mobile devices, including cell phones, tablets, and laptops, may be used for learning purposes during class time.  We encourage a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach to learning, and will work actively to support our students with devices from the school when required.

At school, students learn skills and work habits including self-regulation, responsibility, initiative, independent work, and collaboration.  These skills are taught in various contexts, including through the use of mobile devices during the school day.  Learning and practicing how to balance the use of a mobile device is essential for students to understand the appropriate use of technology.  

In collaboration with parents, our goal is to teach students how to effectively use their mobile device, and how to do so appropriately with respect to customs and social etiquette.

PECI supports the BYOD approach under the following conditions:

Learning Progression

In grades K-3, it is not generally recommended for students to bring their own devices to school.  If required for learning, devices will be provided by the school.

In grades 4-6, students will begin to learn independence and responsibility for their use of electronic devices.  When appropriate, teachers will encourage students to bring their own devices for specific purposes.  Mobile devices such as tablets and chromebooks are recommended.  Cell phones are not recommended.

In grades 7-8, students will assume increased responsibility for their learning, and are encouraged to make independent decisions about when to bring their own device to school, and what type of device will be best for their circumstances.  Although there will be an increased focus on developing initiative and self-regulation skills, the classroom teacher will determine the need for a device, and students must store their device when it is not required.

In grades 9-12, students will more fully develop the required skills and work habits to effectively use technology.  Secondary school students are permitted to use their own devices during breaks and at lunch so long as they do so responsibly.  The classroom teacher will determine the need for a device during class time, and students are expected to comply with direction for a device to be stored.