Graduation Requirements

Community Services Hours

All students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service activities, as part of their graduation requirements (required by the Ontario Ministry of Education).   Hours may be completed beginning in the summer months prior to entering grade 9 and graduation.  PECI strongly recommends that students complete these hours during Grades 9 and 10, when course workloads are generally lighter.  We recommend that hours are verified prior to completion to determine acceptability.


How do I complete the process?

Pick-up documents from Guidance.


Must I complete all 40 hours during the same year?

No.  Hand in a record of your hours as you do them, rather than waiting for them all to be complete before handing in the form.


Must I complete all 40 hours at the same activity or location?



How will I know if what I want to do is suitable?

Check the volunteer opportunities to verify that your chosen activity is suitable for completion of the community involvement requirements.  If the activity is not on the school board’s list of approved activities, obtain approval from the Vice Principal or Principal before starting the activity.


What do I do when the form is complete?

Hand in your form to the Guidance Office for review and recording.


How do I know that my hours have been credited to me?
A total of your hours will appear on each report card.


Will I graduate if I don’t complete the 40 hours?




One component of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) graduation requirements is the accumulation of 30 credits (18 compulsory and 12 optional). A breakdown of the credits is listed below.

Compulsory credits

Students must earn the following 18 compulsory credits to get their Ontario Secondary School Diploma:

Group 1, 2 and 3 compulsory credits

Of the 18 compulsory credits, students must complete one from each of the following groups:

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

The following conditions apply to compulsory credit selections from the above three groups:

Optional credits

Students must earn 12 optional credits by successfully completing courses offered in their school’s program and course calendar.

Optional credits may include up to four credits earned through approved dual credit programs. 


One component of the Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) graduation requirements is the accumulation of 14 credits. A breakdown of the credits is listed below.

Compulsory credits (total of 7)

Optional credits (total of 7)


Literacy graduation requirement

Beginning September 2022, the literacy graduation requirement is restored and students graduating in the 2022-23 school year and beyond are required to meet this requirement.

All students must meet the secondary school literacy graduation requirement to earn their high school diploma.

For most students, this means passing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).

Students who do not successfully complete the OSSLT have other opportunities to meet the literacy graduation requirement. 


Online learning graduation requirement

Beginning with students that entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year, students must earn at least two online learning credits to get their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

The online learning graduation requirement also applies to adult learners that will be entering the Ontario secondary school system starting in 2023-24 school year.

Credits earned during COVID-19

Students can count one secondary school credit that was earned during the province wide school closures (from April 2021 to June 2021) towards the two online learning credits that they need to graduate. This applies to all Grade 9 students who were learning remotely due to the province wide school closures.

Opting out

Parents who wish to opt out or exempt their child from the online graduation requirement must complete the opt-out form available below. Exemption from the online learning graduation requirements may be requested by:

Process to opt out:

To opt out online:

To opt out in person:

To opt back in