What to do

You are going to demonstrate your ability to hear music and represent it, in keeping with a music style, by responding to one of the following options:

Your kaiako will provide different musical extracts that are in clearly identifiable music styles. You will select a playback or transcription activity that will be the most beneficial for your own musical development, such as a melodic line, a harmonic progression, a bass line, or a drum/percussion line. The playback or transcription needs to be appropriate to the instrument. For example, a piano extract would require you to playback or transcribe both hands, or a vocal line would require you to also incorporate the lyrics or kupu.

You must demonstrate your understanding of the music style that is evident in the extract by incorporating these details in your playback or transcription. This may include strumming techniques, phrasing, dynamics, articulation, and feel. You are aiming to playback or transcribe the extract as accurately as possible, showing how you have developed and extended relevant music skills and applied them to this activity.

Both assessment options are strictly individual activities, even though you may have practised aural skills together with your peers as part of your teaching and learning programme.

The length of your submission will vary depending on whether you have selected to playback or transcribe. A playback would be up to one minute or approximately 32 bars, whereas a transcription would be up to 40 seconds or approximately 24 bars.


As well as submitting your transcription or playback, you will submit a brief description of:

This description can be verbal, written, or a visual presentation.

How to present your learning

For a transcription, you will submit a handwritten music score. A transcription would be up to 40 seconds or approximately 24 bars.

For the playback, you will play the extract to your teacher on an instrument, without a backing track or other instrumentalist(s). A playback would be up to one minute or approximately 32 bars.

Include your brief description as part of your submission.


Your kaiako will provide the timeframe for this Assessment Activity.  

Getting started

First, listen to each extract provided by your kaiako. Decide if you would like to do the playback or the transcription activity, and then choose one extract as your task. The assessment relies on an accurate understanding of the musical characteristics of the style you have chosen, so take your time deciding first on the style of the extract. Think about the characteristics of the music that is typical of its style.

If there are multiple instrumental and vocal lines in the extract, ask yourself which part of the extract would best demonstrate the characteristics of the style. You can pick from the chords or harmonic progression, the main melody or vocal line (including lyrics or kupu), a harmonising line, drum or percussion lines, the bassline, and so on. Alternatively, your kaiako may provide individual instrumental or vocal extracts for you to choose from.

As a starting point, it may help to work out the key and metre of the piece.

If you have chosen a playback, consider the following steps:

If you have chosen a transcription, consider the following steps:

Student resources

If you have chosen to do the transcription:

If you have chosen the playback:

You must work on your chosen activity in class time only so that your kaiako can verify that it is all your own work.