What to do

You are going to choose a song and recreate the beat using a DAW (digital audio workstation), or hardware of your choice. The song must include a sample-based or synthesized instrument, such as in house styles or lo-fi, but can also include real instruments, such as in hip-hop.

In this Assessment Activity, ‘beat’ means the instrumental tracks. It is being used as an umbrella term for everything in the song except the singing. Recreating vocal lines is optional, but not a requirement.

First, you will need to deconstruct the original piece to identify the components that contribute to its overall music style. Building your understanding of the style can be supplemented by your own research, including listening to a range of pieces that are stylistically similar.  

Then, you will develop and apply relevant music skills to recreate the beat. You are aiming to re-create the beat as accurately as you can, showing how you have developed and extended your music skills and applied them to this activity. There may be aspects of the track that are not able to be recreated identically. In these cases, variations including your own creative contributions must keep with the music style of the piece. 

Some music components for you to work with as you recreate the beat of your chosen song may include: 

This Assessment Activity can be done individually or in a pair but, if in a pair, your evidence must be individually identifiable, represent your own work, and meet all the requirements of the Standard. Ensure also that as you are working on this Assessment Activity, you are communicating with your kaiako about your progress, how you are working together, and what you are contributing.

As well as submitting your recreated beat, you will also submit a brief description of:

How to present your learning

You will submit your recreated beat, which may take the form of any of the following:

In total, the segment of music you submit will be minimum 40 seconds and maximum of one minute. You will also include the original track in your submission, so your kaiako can refer to it as your source material.

The description that accompanies this submission can be verbal, written, or a visual presentation. If in a pair, both members must submit their own description.


Your kaiako will indicate the timeframe for this Assessment Activity.

Getting started

Decide on the style of music you will select your song or track from. The entire assessment relies on an accurate analysis and understanding of the musical characteristics of the style you have chosen, so take your time deciding first on the style, and then on the particular song. Your favourite song may not necessarily be the best one for this purpose. Make your final song selection in consultation with your teacher.

Think about the characteristics of the music that is typical of this style. Do further research via wānanga with others, online research, further listening, and observing. Keep an ongoing record of notes and observations. 

You will also need to invest time learning how to use technology to recreate it. Identify skills you will need to learn or develop to recreate the beat. You need to consult with your kaiako to have access to further in-school time to access required technology should you need it.

You must work on your chosen activity in class time only so that your kaiako can verify that it is all your own work.