Two-Part Harmony Worksheet

1. Introduction to Two-Part Harmony

Two-part harmony involves writing music for two independent voices, typically a melody and a harmony part. This type of writing is common in vocal and instrumental music, providing a fuller sound and enhancing the musical texture.

2. Basic Principles of Two-Part Harmony

When writing two-part harmony, consider the following principles:

3. Steps to Write Two-Part Harmony

4. Example

Consider a simple melody in C major:

Melody (Soprano): C - E - G - F - E - D - C

Step-by-Step Harmony Addition:

This harmony part maintains consonant intervals (mainly thirds and sixths) with the melody and avoids parallel fifths and octaves.

5. Practice Exercise

Write a harmony part for the following melody in G major:

Melody (Soprano): G - A - B - C - B - A - G

Answer Key (Example Harmony):

6. Conclusion

Writing two-part harmony requires careful attention to voice leading, intervals, and independence between the voices. By practicing these principles, you can create harmonically rich and pleasing music. Experiment with different melodies and harmony parts to enhance your understanding and skill in two-part writing.