
What is the problem being addressed?

Lead contamination regulations for home water had the “legal limit” of lead to a level that was still above the recommended amount of lead contamination regarded as healthy for humans. This prevents triggering the involvement of federal professionals if lead levels are consistent, yet still below the “limit.”

What is their innovative solution?

  • Action: The federal limit for lead content in water was reduced by 60% from 25 micrograms per liter to 10 micrograms per liter.
  • People: German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt); Private homeowners; Institute for Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Bonn
  • Resources: Access to Environmental Agency; Consultation with health experts

How can this be applied to Meadville?

A component of their solution was that the Institute for Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Bonn offered anyone the chance to have water samples tested for contaminants such as lead. Meadville is located in an area surrounded by Luminous and Klein water solutions, as well as by Allegheny College. Perhaps the city could consider communicating with these groups and their lab contacts to setup a period of easy access testing for residents, or perhaps the college could use available mass spectrometry to examine samples submitted by Meadville residents.