Thessaloniki, Greece

What problem is being addressed?

Thessaloniki is addressing resiliency as a whole. Part of their plan focuses on “co-creating an inclusive city” which partially provides solutions to economic inequality.

What is their innovative solution?

    • Action:
      • Develop an integration action plan
        • Short term plan that will focus on effective use of migrant human capital, access to key services (such as housing, health and education), action against xenophobia, promotion of the involvement of the private sector and e-Inclusion.
        • E-inclusion is a social movement whose goal is to end the digital divide, a term used to describe the fact that the world can be divided into people who do and people who don't have access to - and the capability to use - modern information technology ( IT ).
      • Establish welcome centers
        • In collaboration with community partners, they will establish spaces for cultural and social activities in specific neighborhoods. They will be open to new people and long time residents and create a space for people of many different backgrounds to connect.
        • “The role of the center is to empower community members with the tools and skills they need to create positive change and improve all citizens' quality of life in the city.”
      • Establish skills development centers
        • Goal of development centers is to improve economic conditions for the low-income vulnerable communities.
        • Services will include: assistance in determining skill level and interests, individual planning, job preparation, financial education classes, employment searches, follow-up support to ensure economic success and referral assistance for other programs.

How can this be applied to Meadville?

Creating a space for both new and old residents to come together and celebrate cultural activities and hold social activities can act as a community center to promote inclusivity. The skill development center is a program that Meadville could benefit from; it assists people in determining their skills, strengths and interests and how to follow those to a successful career. A center like this could help diversify the common jobs held in Meadville.