Burnundi, India & Malawi

What problem is being addressed?

Poverty and hunger in Burundi, India, and Malawi is addressed with respect to how social status is a contributing factor to food insecurity. For example, the untouchable class in India are the low of the low and are doomed to being poor and hungry. This is partly due to the belief that they deserve this due to what they have done in their past life.

What is their innovative solutions?

The case study was very broad and did not include any tangible or workable information that would suggest solutions to the problem. They did mention the idea of leaving no one behind, both in hunger and in poverty as they go hand in hand with one another.

How is this relevant to Meadville?

Focusing on what is produced and what’s being consumed as well as the affordability and access to whole, nutritional foods should be applied to meadville rather than just basing it off of poverty and hunger.
