
Take a look at our calendar  to see if any fit in with your diaries. Should you wish to have more information please get in touch with Ellie at the church office on 01789 509278 or email 
In addition to the advertised events below please don't forget we have:
Breathing Space  on the  1st Sat of each month
Messy Church on the 3rd Tues of each month
Fun & Chat held 5 times a year

National Heritage Open Days

During the weekend of the 14th & 15th of September St Nicholas Church and Church House will be taking part in the National Trust's Heritage weekend.

Both buildings will be open and have someone in to show you the special feature of the buildings.

Entry is free, come see the very special feature and find out what makes the church extremely special. 

Alpha course

Our popular Alpha course is back, this back during the afternoon so if you were unable to make the evening sessions during the Spring perhaps this could suit you?

16th Sept 2024
Mondays 12.45 - 2.30pm
Sign up sheets are in every church or contact the church office for more information. Head to our Alpha page to read more. 

Messy Church returns after the Summer break with the story of Nehemiah.

St Nicholas Church, Alcester
Tues 17th Sept
3.30pm - 5.30pm

Drinks and food for the children

Everyone welcome, come along and listen to the story and then play and make themed craft that helps with the learning of the story. 

Healing Service

Thursday 26th Sept
St Mary the Virgin church, Kinwarton

A Healing & wholeness evening service held at our Kinwarton church.
Everyone welcome.